May 5, 2024

Letter To The Editor. . . From Kentucky Gal


Good afternoon, Thom.

Lazy, hot summer afternoon here. Been as hot as the Hinges of Hell the last couple of weeks with little to no rain.Glenn hasn’t mowed in nearly 6 weeks and the trees are dropping their leaves due to dryness rather than the possibility of oncoming fall weather. Mother Nature has had a real “attitude” this season.

Our container gardening efforts paid off handsomely, along with several rows of Italian green beans and corn in the big garden in the back of the house. We ate fresh Italian green beans, corn, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes like we were royalty. In the end, I canned 50 quarts of the beans, froze about a dozen bags of the beans, put up about a dozen containers of corn-off-the cob and 50 ears on for the freezer, canned about 30 pints of oven-roasted tomato sauce, froze several trays of eggplant Parmesan, and a few containers of stuffed peppers. We won’t starve this winter for sure.

I’ve attached the recipe for my tomato sauce. I haven’t purchased commercially canned tomato sauce in years. Just sub mine for it in any recipe calling for tomato sauce. It’s also good on its own. Took me several years to perfect it and about as many to put it down on paper. Got too many requests for the recipe to just keep it in my head. Enjoy!

The container experiment was overwhelmingly successful and I plan to tweak it a bit for next year to be even more productive.
We’re fine and I’ve recovered quite well from the reconstruction in June of my left hand. Good as new and now I’m back to an even-numbered set of bones. Went from 206 to 204. Didn’t need my painful old trapedium bones anyway!

Looking forward to a trip to Atlanta soon to see children and grandchildren. Two of my sons live in a ‘burb of the city and we’ll be able to see 10 grandchildren at one stop. One family has 4 children, the other 6. Can you say, “busy?” I can understand only too well since I raised 8 children.
Hope the newspaper has overcome some bumps in the road and is traveling smoother ground. Can’t believe I’m already submitting the last installments for 2014. Where DID the year go?!

Take care and I’ll visit with you soon.


P.S. You really know you live in the country when your next door neighbor has a calf in a dog pen in their front yard. Seriously! I came home from the grocery store on Tuesday and noticed their dog had been replaced with a calf. I thought I was seeing things at first but, then, realized that dogs don’t have ears shaped like the ones I saw, nor do they stand out from their heads the way the ones did on the animal in the pen. I’m still laughing.

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