May 5, 2024

First Do No Harm?


The Sedona Excentric investigative team looks into the growing obsession people are having with enhancing their appearance.  While the gentleman pictured on the right may seem to have been a bit excessive with his piercings, the lady pictured on the left may have gone a bit too far while seeking to augment her bust line.

As far as the potential harm they may be bringing to themselves with these attempts to garner attention. the man could have his entire face ripped off if he walked under an industrial magnet or, suffer from radiation exposure if he ever needed dental x-rays. Most likely, though, he’ll succumb to lung cancer from that nasty cigar attached to his unpierced area.

She, on the other hand,  could fall face forward into a hot tub and not be able to right herself and drown, or, she might get caught in one of those revolving doors and get cut by shattering glass while rescue teams of gawking men attempted to free her.

Then, again, she could be in an automobile accident and the air bags might be prevented from deploying, causing her serious injury and potentially resulting in her suffocating from getting her face stuck between her breasts. It would therefore seem that the woman has indeed at greater risk of harm. The risks obviously outweigh the benefits. But then, some of our staff sport undefined facial hair.

The Sedona Excentric investigative team looks into the growing obsession people are having with enhancing their appearance.  While the gentleman pictured on the right may seem to have been a bit excessive with his piercings, the lady pictured on the left may have gone a bit too far while seeking to augment her bust line. As far as the potential harm they may be bringing to themselves with these attempts to garner attention. the man could have his entire face ripped off if he walked under an industrial magnet or, suffer from radiation exposure if he ever needed dental x-rays. Most likely, though, he’ll succumb to lung cancer from that nasty cigar attached to his unpierced area. She, on the other hand,  could fall face forward into a hot tub and not be able to right herself and drown, or, she might get caught in one of those revolving doors and get cut by shattering glass while rescue teams of gawking men attempted to free her. Then, again, she could be in an automobile accident and the air bags might be prevented from deploying, causing her serious injury and potentially resulting in her suffocating from getting her face stuck between her breasts. It would therefore seem that the woman has indeed at greater risk of harm. The risks obviously outweigh the benefits. But then, some of our staff sport undefined facial hair.


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