May 4, 2024

Frankly Fanny by Herself


Dear Frankly:
I was dating the same guy for 4 years. He meant absolutely everything to me, and we’ve done a lot together, college, camp counselors, taken wonderful vacations. I was so in love. We even planned to be married. In the past few months, he’s left me feeling neglected. He stopped doing all the romantic things he used to do. We decided to take a break. I am seeing someone who I know likes me and I’m definitely interested. Am I doing the right thing?
     Bewildered Barbara

Dear Bewildered:
People shouldn’t invite you expecting a gift. But if that’s her family’s modus operandi, then I would check and see what the dinner options are. Forego the surf and turf and opt for the nacho appetizer plate and base the value of your gift accordingly. Bon appetit.


Dear Frankly:
There is a man I just can’t stop thinking about. He flirts with me and we enjoy each other when we see each other at the local bar. We have spent the night together three times. We don’t date, or even talk on the telephone. We just see each other at the bar now and then. I discovered recently that he is engaged. My problem is that he is so nice to me. I am upset he is involved with someone else, but can’t get him out of my head. I am desperate. What to do?
       Disconcerted Debby

Dear Disconcerted:
I wonder if he is the only man to have picked you up in that bar in a year or just the most impressive. Either way, It seems he can be satisfied by you three times a year and others the remaining 362 days. It seems more like you just wanted to write about it.


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