May 2, 2024

Frankly Fanny by Herself


Dear Frankly:
I am involved with a guy I used to date in high school. He is recently divorced and has three children. I am also divorced with two kids of my own. He loves to talk about his kids. One night while alone he said that I was his first love and he always has loved me. He says he never really loved his ex. He is a good man and cares for the kids while I am at work. He treats me like a queen. I am hoping this love will last. Could he still love me after all these years?
Curious Claire

Dear Curious:
Who cares if he tells you he has loved you since high school? The only thing that matters is that he loves you now. My third husband was a childhood sweetheart who said he had loved me forever. It turns out we are very different as adults. I got better at sex – him, not so much.
Dear Frankly:
I have been dating a guy a couple of months now. Well, we don’t actually date; we meet at a bar we frequent, flirt and go to my place for a night of adventure. I recently discovered he was engaged to be married. My problem is he treats me great and I can’t get him out of my mind. I know I am fooling around with the fiancee of another woman, even though he denies it, but I really enjoy what we have going. Am I wrong to keep seeing him?
Cheating Charlotte

Dear Cheating:
I married man I took away from a friend of mine. They were engaged for nearly a year.  My friend didn’t talk to me for the entire time we were married. I ran into her a couple of husbands later and she thanked me for taking him away.  I can’t forgive her for letting him go.

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