April 25, 2024

Marry Your Sister’s Ex?

Dear Frankly, I am involved with my sister’s ex. We are in love and have recently moved in together. I am hoping our relationship be accepted by our families. I am worried about hurting my sister’s feelings. We found out that it is legal to marry each other here. He has asked and I want to. I guess what I’ve been looking for is someone’s blessing. My sister left the marriage and I cannot help that things worked out this way. Is there any way I can overcome our family issues? Confused Carla Dear Confused, When would it not be…

Frankly Fanny by Herself

                Dear Frankly: I have been dating a woman with three children for a little over a year. I’ve been invited to go with her to her sister’s wedding. I thought we’d go in together on a gift.  She told me that she and two of her kids already bought a gift. She says I have to get her sister a present by myself which at least equals the cost of my meal at the wedding reception. I feel excluded and wish she had consulted me first. What should I do?      Puzzled…