April 19, 2024

Strange Vortex Experiences


Below is a list of actual experiences from people who live outside Sedona after visiting a vortex for the first time. Be advised that any of these and other bizarre happenings await the inexperienced vortex visitor:

  • Visit a vortex and start seeing red wherever you go.
  • Visit a vortex and sparks fly from your expulsion of gas.
  • Visit a vortex and you are compelled to start the “wave” from your church pew.
  • Visit a vortex and mow your lawn in crop circles.
  • Visit a vortex and start communicating with red rocks.
  • Visit a vortex and put your “inner child” up for adoption.
  • Visit a vortex and become a vegetarian, complicating your “Atkins” diet, limiting your meals to celery and walnuts.
  • Visit a vortex and develop multiple personalities, all with major credit problems.
  • Visit a vortex and find yourself magnetized, having to face north whenever you you know what.
  • Visit a vortex and gain a strange appreciation for the sound of the didgeridoo, rainstick and charango.
  • Visit a vortex and consult your sock puppet for advice.
  • Visit a vortex and understand the words to “Louie, Louie.”


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